Please find below some other local businesses that we have used and can highly recommend. These local Plymouth trades people below have been used and we can recommend their services, from plumbing, website design, computer problems, property maintainance, window repairs, curtains, carpets and flooring, through to tyres for your vehicle and the best thing is that they are local businesses within Plymouth. Please consider keeping work local.
Blindology do not maintain any of the websites listed below and we cannot be held responsible for any of the content published within.
Specialising in start-up and rebranding businesses, we can cover all of your multimedia needs from brand and logo creation, business cards, posters, flyers, brochures and other stationary, right through to a fully branded website giving you the online presence your business needs. We can also design for shop/van signs and are able to take excellent quality photographs ready for print or the web.

The Computer Cabin Ltd, Plympton, Plymouth
PC & Notebook repair company based in Ridgeway, Plympton. Providing a professional service at competitive prices. All aspects of Repair work undertaken from damaged notebook screens to replacement mainboards. We are also a retail store carrying a wide range of computer components / peripherals.
Happy Ever After = Wedding car Plymouth
Happy Ever After - Wedding car transport hire based in Plymouth, using our vintage 1930's style Beauford wedding car, for professional service from start to finish, let Happy Ever After - wedding car Plymouth, get you started on your journey to your happy every after. Our stunning vintage wedding car can be hired for any area, covering the Devon and Cornwall areas for any wedding day hire transport requirements. Chauffeur driven wedding car hire. Arrive in style on your special wedding day.
Please feel free to click on the pictures below to enlarge the album/gallery of our wedding car transport based in Plymouth, Devon, also covering wedding car hire and transport in Cornwall and at times further afield.
All items on this site are covered by © Blindology, any use of information or images with Windowblindsplymouth's website is covered by the copyright. Any unauthourised use is covered under the copyright. Any person's or organisation wishing to use any information or images is requested to contact the owner and ask permission.